
Photo: Jon Brook at Bentham Imaging (benthamimaging.co.uk)

Clare Weze grew up in London and Yorkshire and has British and Nigerian* heritage. She writes for both adults and children and has always written around her day job, starting out as a hairdresser in London’s West End, then moving on to a science degree, postgraduate studies and work in the fields of biomedical and environmental research.

Books had a huge effect on her as a child, and her aim is to recreate that sense of discovery in her readers. Writing for children allows her to take her ideas to their ultimate, wildest conclusions.

Her short fiction for adults can be found in Aesthetica, Ad Hoc Fiction, Bare Fiction, Best Microfiction 2019, Bridge House, The Conglomerate, Commonword, The Lascaux Review, Reflex FictionRiptideShort Fiction Journal, Wonderbox and elsewhere. 

In 2016, she won a Northern Writers’ Award.

* Weze is pronounced way-zay




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